Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol :: Charles Dickens Christmas Carol Essays

Charles Dickens A Christmas CarolThe editor of one edition of A Christmas Carol wrote A narrative soadmirably told, the details of place, of time, of psyche sodexterously made real for us How does Dickens achieve this? How doeshe A Christmas Carol a story which No one could financial aid but enjoyIn this essay I am going to be writing about the different techniquesin which Dickens uses, and by victimisation these bring people, place and timeto life. Dickens cleaver use of techniques throughout this book reallymakes us feel as if we are actually there are selves. I think that thereason why dickens is so good at making this all seem so real to us isbecause when he was younger he grew up as a child in London himself,which I think would explain why this book has so much detail in it. Alot of what happens in this book most probably happened to Dickens asa boy as he used to be quite poor himself, an example of this is thecratchits Christmas dinner which I think was based on what Chris tmasused to be like for Dickens. Dickens former for writing this book wasso that he could make people aware of how awful it was to be poor, sohe therefore wrote this in a story to try and get his point across.This is why Dickens is so good at using a range of differenttechniques which really create an epitome in are heads of what is reallygoing on.I am mainly going to be focusing on the different techniques used inlead certain passages from the book these are going to be thedescription of Scrooge, the description of the shops in London andFezziwigs ball. I have chosen these three passages as I think thatthey have been written in great detail and show us exactly how Dickensbrings things to life and how well he does it. Even though I amfocusing particularly on these passages Dickens use of techniques isconstantly used throughout this book. His constant uses of adjectivesthroughout really create an send off in are head of what something lookslike or what is going on. He uses adjecti ves in a number of different ways but contently uses these same ways all through the book. Dickenswill use listing such as Great joints of meat, sucking pig, longwreaths of sausages, plum puddings. He will as well as list threeadjectives and then a noun for example Cold, bleak, biting weatherand Long, bare, melancholy room. This really helps us to create an

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